Sunday, December 19, 2010

Travis & Lauren Whiting

As you all know I love looking at wedding pictures. When a friend gets married I love to see what they did. This wedding was just beautiful. It is difficult for a wedding to seem classy and fun in a gym but this certainly did that plus.

Finding cute bridesmaid dresses that are still consdered modest in the LDS church can be difficult. I have been searching for a long time to find some for my upcoming wedding. These are adorable though. Slightly vintage and flirty, these dresses make all of the girls look great and still don't distract from the main couple.

I love this boquet! Even though it's not flowers it still bright and cheery. I love the X and O scrabble pieces. This is a DIY that I would suggest to anyone who is looking for a vintage DIY wedding. 

 These show a great cost effective way to do centerpieces that people are going to be talking about. Using the bottles and finding things similar to all of these centerpieces at thrift stores can help you have a more eco friendly wedding and help you stay in your budget a bit easier. I also love that the limited number of flowers looks great and is cost effective. These are perfect for this style of wedding!

Anyone looking to not do a traditional cake but still wants to cut the cake this is the way to do it! It's beautiful and fun while still giving you the traditional picture that your family will want and let you find a great cake topper as well! Also the cupcakes will make it easier because you can do multiple flavors and you don't have to cut and serve a cake.

The decorations for the ceiling and walls made me fall in love with the wedding. It was done in a church gym but because the decorations were done so well you were looking at them instead of the lines in the floor. These doors give this reception the feeling of age that a vintage wedding needs and still keeps it classy and almost mysterious. 

One of the most boring things for me at a wedding is going and getting food off of a normal table with a table cloth and maybe some bunched up around the plates. Using these with the patterned cloth makes me think of the old tea parties that I had with my grandma where we dressed up like princesses and ate sandwiches. This I think is beautiful and yet again helped pull in an even stronger vintage feel. It is a beautiful focal point of this reception.

I love small details like this. It's charming and king of reminds you as to why you are there and that it's a celebration.

I often times see pictures put on tables or up on a slide show. But this is more interseting to the eye and is part of the decoration of the room. The pictures are beautiful and deserve to be shown. I can't think of a better way to do it!

The lighting at this wedding is so spectacular. The mixture of the white lights, the paper ball lanterns and the chandeliers helped tie in the fun, mystical, vintage style of this entire wedding. I honestly am thinking about stealing this idea myself! It made this reception.

Congratulations to Travis and Lauren! It looks like your wedding was a blast and well done. It is inspiring to see someone make a wedding out of one of the most unromantic places that is so beautiful. Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful life!

Entertainment at your Wedding

The worst thing for any wedding is for your guests to be bored. If everyone knows eachother it's not so bad but if you only have a few people from several different groups it may still happen. The keys to a great wedding are good food, good music, good decorations, and great conversation. Use all of these keys to make your wedding amazing!

Good Food

When it comes to food it's best to do a few things outside of the box and a few classics. The classics work great for when someone doesn't want to try anything and so that people can feel at home and comfy. Looking for something new doesn't have to be really far out there.
  • First think of what type of food you want to try
  • Next decide if you want it to be a meat, grain, dessert, fruit or veggie
  • After looking there look into what your caterer can provide or look for recipes yourself
  • Make sure to always try what you are going to serve first. No one wants a meal served that they themselves don't even like.

Good Music

Music can make such a difference with the atmosphere of your wedding. Even just as background music it will make a difference on how your guests feel. Most people feel more anxious when it is dead silence and different types of music can make a guest feel like dancing or just sitting and talking. When deciding on music you need to consider a few things.
  • How much can you spend
  • What type of music do you want
  • What your top songs are
You don't have to spend a lot of money to have great music at your wedding. If you have enough money then go ahead and hire a DJ or band. Make sure to send them a list of do not play music or a list of music that you do consider to be acceptable. Remember that this is your wedding and your party. If you do or do not want something to be played it is your say. You are paying for it after all.

Another option is to create your own play list. Often times you already have a great collection of songs that you love already and if you don't a friend is sure to. If you choose this option make sure that you have a sound check with the speakers you are going to use to make sure that nothing will go wrong. Also it is a good idea to put someone in charge of the music so that you don't have to deal with it. A groomsman or friend who can make sure that your songs are played when you want them will make it move so much smoother and you won't be as stressed.


When it comes to decorations you can literally turn anything into a great decoration. Get creative! Consider what age range you will have there. If there will be kids make sure there are games for them to play. Consider I spy with your decorations. A crossword with your bridal party names. Or if you do a kids table you can put card games up on the table for them.Adults can use a lot of the same things. But you can also put out bubbles and sparklers for later on.


Great conversation is a hard one to help along. If you get the other three right it will be pretty easy. Just remember to make sure your seating is right. Helping compatable people sit next to eachother will help quite a bit. Also if you do the games or something that is uniq to just your wedding people are sure to start talking. A few more ideas are:
  • Have something on your tables that is not usually seen at a wedding. (a scale, a hotweel car, crayons...) Do something that is important to you.
  • Give out welcome bags with things to do in them
  • In your invitations send out a list of things locally that people can do. Then see who did what
  • Make an inventive card holder
  • Create a mad lib and put it at each guests place. Make sure to have pencils so they can fill them out.

A great wedding is done with a lot of planning. Your entertainment is a huge part of that. Take your time and use this as a chance for people to get to know you and your new spouse. Show who you are and people are sure to have a great time!